Live Stream, Zoom, and Upload Video

Get Started

Theater Anywhere, Anytime

TheaterEngine is for artists everywhere. Simply create a profile and you can begin creating online shows instantly. No subscriptions for you or your audience.

Pick the right option for you. Let your audience watch your show in real time with live streaming video, video conferencing software like Zoom, or upload a pre-recorded video and “premiere” it at a time of your choosing.

"With live online content,
we shared time, even when we don't share physical space."

- Ben Beckley,
New York

A Platform Where People Can Find Your Work

On platforms like YouTube or Facebook, it’s easy to get buried, and you’re sharing space with every kind of online creator that exists.

TheaterEngine is designed to showcase the work of live entertainers by location and by discipline.

“From Ohio it’s been refreshing to see so much. I’m watching far more readings, filmed shows, and clips than I hadn’t had access to previously. Even workshops from companies I love. It’s been awesome. I’ve paid for some, accessed most for free. It’s not as good as live, but the access! Living out here has really changed how I see live theater. Having these options especially right now has been so needed.”

John Russo, Ohio

“I personally find that my loyalty to organizations and artists that I know and love translates well to online content from them. I'm more interested in watching their content, than something from someone I don't have a relationship with, even if they're more "famous" or established.”

Dominic Spillane, VT

“I’m loving some of the stuff coming out. It’s like we finally were put in a room and forced to figure it out.”

Keola Simpson - Hawaii

“With live online content, we share time, even when we don't share physical space.”

Ben Beckley, New York

“Having things become available in whatever format they arrive, has been so good for my soul. The creativity alone has been astounding. And to be able to see a show I might not get to see otherwise has been heartwarming in these days of isolation. Also, people from rural and/or low-income neighborhoods having the chance to do something that they would have difficulty doing due to whatever logistics are in their way, are now able to appreciate a love of the arts on an equal level.”

Laura DeMoulin - Colorado


